Saturday, February 4, 2012

Well, winter is up to her old tricks again..It actually warmed up to above freezing the other day, gave us a chance to thaw out a bit. Of course, then we got another foot or so of snow and today the temperature decided to drop to 3 above again..Oh well, don't want to get TOO spoiled I guess. Not a whole lot of really exciting stuff going on today. In fact, I spent most of the day in bed. I was up most of the night coughing. My crud is getting better, I think this is just one of the unfortunate side effects of it. I'm sure you know the one, the unbearable tickle in the back of your throat. You try to avoid giving into it for as long as you can, just don't cough, it will get better..but you eventually do and then it doesn't seem like you can stop for an hour or so. Oh well, this too shall pass.  Getting ready to go out and cut more wood tonight. The woodbox is empty again and it needs refilled if it's going to be all stupid and cold again. On a good front the house cleaning is doing..okay. I've told the kids in no uncertain terms that as soon as I sell a movie the first thing we're doing is hiring a maid. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I'm essentially useless when it comes to domestic engineering of any sort. Ah, Alice from the Brady bunch, where are you when I need you? Eh, until then I guess we'll muddle through. The house is semi clean anyway..Have a good one everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Never did ask what the blog was for. I noticed in earlier posts you talked of school, so what is it your trying to goal? De je Vu lu su lu, have i already asked this? Anyway's, let me know if ya need help splittin wood. We're gonna be splittin soon enough, stoves goin in a week or so. See ya soon friend...
