Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I got my first actual, honest to god piece of fan-mail today! A gentleman named Kent wrote from down in Florida to tell me how much he enjoyed the Backwoodsman article. Wow, what an amazing feeling it was to read that letter! I thought it was a rush to see my name in print, but it doesn't compare to realizing that people are actually READING the stuff you're writing and enjoying it. (And no, I'm not minimizing the fact that I have people that read this as well, I'm also very grateful to each and every one of my readers here, as well as humbled and a bit stunned that I'm actually developing a regular following..so thanks!) but there is just something way over the top about receiving an actual letter. Imaging this..still fighting the crud, woozy, tired, staggering into the post office to get my mail. Bill..bill..bill..junk mail..bill..and all of the sudden, a ray of light. A very nice letter thanking me for the article, sharing his experiences up in Alaska when he was traveling, and congratulating me for trying to make it up here. It was the coolest thing! Someone actually took time out of their day to contact Backwoodsman magazine, (For some reason emails to the address in the article aren't going through, not sure what's up with that..) get my mailing address from Charlie, print the letter he wrote, put it in an envelope, stamp it and mail it to me. It makes me want to immediately write another article..I'm definitely addicted to this writing stuff! I FINALLY feel like I'm doing what I've been meant to do my entire life. Now, maybe one of these days I can get someone to actually PAY me to do it! It's a beautiful, painfully bright Alaska day today, a balmy 15 above 0, this walking crud is finally starting to get better, Yeah, life isn't perfect yet, I still have lots of things to worry about, but sometimes you need to put them aside, look around and appreciate the moment.  I think that's what I'm going to do for a while. I suggest you do the same. Take a few minutes and just appreciate being. Talk to you all soon!

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