Monday, February 20, 2012

I've been in this horrible funk for the last few days and it's driving me crazy! I'm not even sure what the problem is. Nothing seems to inspire me at the moment. The world is various shades of grey and I can't seem to find the energy to care about anything. It's like the gas is on, but the pilot light has gone out. Hopefully it's just the final throes of winter kicking my ass and when breakup finally hits everything will begin to be better again. Right now I think I have to be content to just exist.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, totally hear ya. Been in that mode for awhile now, really believe it's the winter. Science has proven long ago that when the tree sap is low we humans get defunk. Hate it man, can't wait for spring, the slap of salmon tails, the shivering trout,,lol. Hell yes, can't wait. Oh by the way, your pilot light just went out,,,,lol. Hang in there...
