Friday, February 3, 2012

Well, here we are again..Another day gone in the 'try to save the house marathon.' For anyone not already aware, my house is in active foreclosure at the moment, the sale date being in just a couple of weeks. I know there are a ton of other people out there in the same situation, but that doesn't make it suck any less. I spent most of the day today on the phone with Wells Fargo, trying to get the sale date delayed, find out what the exact payment was, see if I had any options, etc. In my opinion I think I'd rather sit down to high tea with Satan himself rather than deal with these people anymore. Oh, they're all pleasant enough, even wishing me the best of luck after they tell me they can't or won't help me, but it's just painful dealing with a huge beaurocratic machine that is entirely devoted to doing nothing more than swallowing as many home owners as possible whole so they can regurgitate their weekly tribute of ill gotten dollars to appease their dark masters. If I sound a little bitter, I am. The system does everything in it's power to literally steal people's very homes out from under them. For any of you who still have the faintest trace of belief in our current 'leader' and his stimulus plans- They DO exist..IF you happen to live in an urban environment or are a qualifying minority. (Urban being defined I believe it was explained to me as a population of over 375,000 which leaves Alaska completely out in the it were.) So, essentially, if you happen to be caucasian (Which I am) AND happen to live in a rural environment (Which I most definitely do) the government flips you the bird and tells you to have a nice day Oh, and keep a smile on your face as you pack up your shopping cart and hit the road, because things are getting better all the time! Sorry Charlie, next time buy a place in the projects and we'll be all over helping you.. Ah well, I'm not giving up yet, there are still a couple of glimmers of hope and I'll chase them down as long as I can. I'm not going to quit until it's over and after that, well, I figure something else out. It's the American way, Right? In the meantime- If there happens to be any multi-millionaires that stumble across this site I've got a house for sale if you're willing to rent it back to me. Or, hell..I'll even take a donation if you want to pay it off for me. I bet we could even figure out a tax write off for it. Maybe the fund for the Prevention of Dislocation of the Endangered American Writer..PDEAW for short..Hmm...That might bear looking into! Have a good day, everyone!

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