Thursday, March 29, 2012

You know, it occurs to me I've never put my contact info on here. Sometimes I'm a total airhead and I forget that not everyone wants to make a comment that the whole world can see. If you'd like to send me a private email my (current) email addy is: I think I have a couple of million others somewhere, but I never check them anyway so there's no point in giving them out. You're also welcome to friend me on Facebook. I keep it completely wide open, I figure the more the merrier, so come on in! I've only ever blocked one person and that wasn't because I disagreed with their views (Okay- I DID disagree with the anti-fur things they insisted on putting up all the time, I'm a pretty pro-fur kinda guy) but more the fact that they posted between 40 and 50 pictures of animals that were in danger of euthinasation. (Sp, I know..don't even tell me, I just don't feel like looking it up.) EVERY DAY!  Now, I really DO feel bad about all these animals. It sucks that they have to be put down, but I really didn't want to have to keep scrolling through ALL of those pictures just so I could find out what my other friends are doing. Anyway..That's my contact info. If you REALLY need my phone # shoot me an email and I'll probably give it to you, but I'm not posting it to the world! Have a good one!

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