Wednesday, March 21, 2012

People never fail to amaze me. As the elections get closer the political rhetoric is flying hot and heavy, especially on line. I find myself in the unique position of having good friends on both side of the political fence so I hear about how horrible the other side is all the time. The really funny thing is: In a lot of cases both sides are absolutely 100% correct. Radical views on anything have a tendency to be that way. It's really easy to lose your perspective on a subject when you are completely surrounded by it. In my opinion some of the fault lies with our country's inalienable rights. It's a great thought, everyone SHOULD have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The problem falls in the boundaries of that statement. Where does one person's right to happiness end and the other person's begin? Does EVERYONE really have a right to be happy all the time, and if so, what do you do about what makes one person happy angering the guy next to him? What exactly IS the definition of Liberty, anyway? I decided to look up the definition on line. Miriam Webster defines it like this:
a : the power to do as one pleasesb : freedom from physical restraintc : freedom from arbitrary or despotic controld : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privilegese : the power of choice

 Wow, based on THAT definition it looks like we blew that one a while ago and we're sliding further from that definition all the time. When it mentions life, does it mean QUALITY of life, or the simple act of breathing, eating, sleeping and existing? The parameters of our inalienable rights seem a little vague when viewed through the microscope of todays' society. I get really confused sometimes about the things that people get angry about. For example, I've listened to people rant for hours against gay marriage. Personally I'm all for it. When I look at it objectively it REALLY doesn't affect my life in the slightest one way or another. If it makes someone else happy they should have every right to be so. Of course, having been divorced I also see the other side of that coin. Why SHOULDN'T homosexual people have to deal with the incredible pain in the butt that having to go through a legal divorce can be?  I mentioned that to one of my friends who happens to be gay one day and that thought gave him pause. It didn't seem so completely fantastic when he viewed the downsides of the whole picture. In that particular instance I think they should have the right to pursue their happiness as well as the right to lose some (or all) of their personal belongings and property in a divorce when things don't work out the way they plan them to. In general I don't have a problem with people having the rights that they want, as long as they accept the downsides of them as well and don't get them at the expense of others. I guess I'm just odd that way. I decided that life is WAY to short and precious to get all twisted up about things that don't really affect me directly. I've been asked my opinion about abortion before and gotten a VERY angry response from a (Male) individual when I responded that I really didn't feel qualified to have an opinion on it since I didn't possess a uterus. Everyone has an opinion on subjects. It's human nature to believe one way or another about a subject. When people try to force their opinion on others the problem begins. I guess that falls into the pursuit of happiness thing, I'm not sure. I know, for instance, if some people in this country got their way all firearms would essentially be illegal, like they are in the UK. That would make me distinctly unhappy since I live with and use them on a regular basis. Does that mean I have some recourse against those people for violating my inalienable rights? It just seems like if people would talk to each other instead of screaming and throwing their rhetoric in the faces of all that oppose them, or trying to make laws that enforce what THEY think is the correct thing while removing the rights of other people who disagree that things would be a whole lot more pleasant all the way around. Oh well, I hope I haven't offended to many people with this post, but I probably have since it seems to be the nature of mankind, after all.. Go out and find what makes you happy, everyone- It's not just our right as Americans, but as humans. Just pause for a moment while you're doing it and make sure that what makes you happy isn't trampling on someone else's joy. Remember, we're all in this crazy world together so why not make an effort to make everyone's journey through life as pleasant as possible? Have a great day!

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