Monday, March 5, 2012

AUGH! Winter has done it to us AGAIN! Every time I think we've finally broken through to the warmer weather we get another blast of -10 just to remind us that old man Winter is a biter old guy that doesn't give up easily. It was beautiful day yesterday, Sun was out, sky was so blue it hurt your eyes, and it was in the mid-20s...then suddenly....GOTCHA! LOL Oh well, I guess if I wanted warm I'd live in Belize. only another month or so and then it'll start warming up and staying that way.
Well, I made it through the Iditarod.  The first hurdle for the month is jumped. A few more and I've made it through a whole year. Maybe I can really start concentrating on what I'm going to be when I grow up then. The numbness is beginning to wear off a bit. I'm starting to tingle mentally. It's a lot like your hand when you start getting feeling in it after it's fallen asleep. There is no question that I've changed a lot over the past year, I'm just not quite sure how I've changed yet.

1 comment:

  1. Next day we have sunshine, go outside and let the sun's rays hit ya. It will make Spring seem a lot brighter. I love how after a certain point in January, the sunlight feels warm. And I really love how on a sunny day this time of year means the south side of you is sunny warm and the north side of you is crispy cold. Winter is a bitter guy but he is only like this cause his grip is basically gone and he is just trying to be spiteful.
