Thursday, May 31, 2012

So, I'm starting my new class at Full Sail this week. Its a technology class, so maybe I'll finally figure out how to use this *&*^* MAC. Part of the class is to write an intro for the other students, since their so big into social networking at that school. I was going to write the usual pat answer to the question and then, when I was out fishing today I started to actually think about it. the question was "Who are you? Tell us about yourself." I stood casting and reeling in (Yes, I did catch one pike and missed another one, by the way, thanks for asking) I started thinking about it. Who am I anyway? I honestly don't have an answer to that anymore. I'm a dad, at least I try to be. I'm a hunter, a fisherman, an Alaskan, a writer, an outsider, an insider, a guy who stopped mid-stream in his life and decided to switch careers about 90 degrees and start all over again. That should probably scare the hell out of me, but I just have a feeling of anticipation. I know NOTHING about the entertainment industry. I'm learning more in casual conversations with other students and teachers than I ever expected to know. I'm even considering staying in school to get my Master's in directing because it looks like it would be a lot of fun to do. I've realized- I'm 43 years old and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've been a lot of things that I'm not anymore. I look back at the various stages in my life and just shake my head. The experiences have all changed who I am and it makes me wonder who I will be when the ride is finally all over. I was, I hope, a good husband to an amazing woman and I hope I have it in me to be a good husband again someday. I've ridden in corporate planes, been to the top of grain elevators and jumped on top of barges to avoid getting cut in half by flying ropes. I've been lucky enough to number corporate executives as well as homeless pool sharks among my friends. I've watched the greatest love of my life die, kissed her goodbye as she passed from this world just as I've watched all three of my children enter it and cry for the first time ever. I have a goat living on my porch, for chrissake! Of course, I won't put any of this in the little introductory blurb for my technology class. Well, maybe the goat part, but not much else. Anyway, the question got me thinking. I'm willing to bet that most of you have lived your lives in different levels as well. You can probably look back through the years and see the different people that you were. I guess my point is this- Celebrate who you were, embrace it because it will always be a part of who you are now and who you are going to be in the future. I hope you all have a great day. Hug the people you love and never be afraid to talk to strangers because they might be your next best friend! Peace-

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