Sunday, April 8, 2012

Well, its Easter. It doesn't have as much meaning anymore for us. Glenda was the one who was really into the holidays. The Bunny visited, of course, he brought candy and a new stuffed animal for Aiobheann, but there won't be a fancy cooked dinner or easter outfits or any of the other stuff. Instead, this afternoon I need to go down into the ravine and look for signs that a grizzly has woken up and is moving around the house. I haven't seen him yet, but judging by the reactions the goat and the dogs have been having I have a strong suspicion he's around. Unfortunately we aren't quite far enough into spring for Yogi to be awake yet. There's not a whole lot of picnic basket options for him yet so tasty morsels like goats and kids can become more attractive. We got another few inches of snow yesterday, enough to break the record in Anchorage. (over 133" there for the year) I'm not sure how much we got, the further away from the ity you are the less anyone is concerned with records, it just becomes a lot of snow! Anyway- Need to run and let Beenie have her easter joy. I hope everyone has a great day!

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