The sometimes interesting, sometimes amusing, sometimes boring chronicles of an IT geek transplanted to a cabin 80 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I decided it was time to write again. I'm not really sure what I'm writing about, but if I don't do it I never will and that's just not cool. So, I see I was right about the whole Florida shooting thing. It appears they are trying to use it in New York to strengthen their already ludicrous gun laws. I really don't understand these anti-gun people. I've heard some of their actions defended by "Well, if it was YOUR family member that was killed by a gun you'd want them outlawed too!" I guess by that kind of screwed up logic I should be campaigning for the outlawing of snow machines. Cars would DEFINITELY be a thing of the past as would many other things that have contributed to the demise of individuals through the years. I'm thinking its either the kitchen or the bathroom that is the most dangerous room in the house.We'll say the bathroom for the point of argument, feel free to disagree. I want to see some yutz holding a poster campaigning to make the bathroom a controlled place. License the use of toilets..make people go through a weekend of training before they are able to use the shower. People drive me crazy. I was just reading some "Catcher in the Rye" quotes. Great book if you've never read it. Teenage rebellion at its finest. See? I TOLD you I didn't have a lot to write about. In fact, you're probably better off grabbing a fresh cup of coffee and cruising over to the news or a good comic page instead of wasting your time with this post. But, if you're still around I'll keep writing I guess! We are now smack in the middle of breakup up here. It's been absolutely beautiful the last 3 weeks. Sunny, 45-50 degrees, etc. The snow is coming down at a perfect rate. We've lost over 3 feet already. Of course, Casa del Dan has a lovely moat right now, but that's an annual thing so its to be expected. The bears are waking up, I've heard multiple people who have found scat (That's poop for my less woodsy readers) and tracks. Its going to be interesting to see how effective my buddy Eddie the goat is going to be at functioning as bear bait. Since he's still living on my porch I fully expect to wake up some morning and find him dining with Yogi on Sweet tarts (Eddie's favorite treat, By the way) I am, of course, getting the hunting bug BIG time. I am currently completely out of bear meat, a situation the kids find highly unacceptable. They got spoiled with my last bear, I hope I can shoot one that is just as tasty this year. Hmm..let me see, what else has been plucking at the back of my brain? I was irritated at the media calling for Ted Nugent to be arrested because he said that if Obama gets re-elected he'll be in jail before the end of his second term. They are howling for him to be brought up on charges. Funny, I can't see why that should be. He MIGHT be insinuating that if Obama gets re-elected he'll go to jail because he'll have to rob a bank to pay for his gas. Sure, we all know what he likely means, but I don't think that is necessarily grounds to arrest someone. Oh, wait, I guess to some people it is as long as the 1st amendment is being used to say something they don't like. Either way, I am getting SO tired of election stuff. I just want it to be over. I might be able to work up the energy to care if I thought that A. My vote would really make a difference, B. There was ANYONE I was vaguely impressed by that was running, and C. whoever got elected would really make things different one way or another. Let's face it, people. The system has failed. Democrat, Republican, it doesn't really matter who gets elected, the American people lose across the board. The only difference between which party is elected is which of our rights each one goes after first. I find it really hard to care when all dust settling at the end of the day when elections are finished and the losers are whining and calling for a recount and the winners are chuckling and spending the taxpayers money I'm STILL going to lose my house. (Yeah, its a run on sentence, I know. I warned all you grammar nazis earlier that this wasn't my best work!) I've decided this is going to happen. My house is going to be leaving my possession. I've been fighting it for a long time, but I've decided it is an inevitable fact. I don't qualify for any of the 'stimulus' programs I've been told, due to the fact that I'm caucasian and I live in a 'rural' area. Apparently there are no 'Wife died so he has to stay home and raise his kids instead of working 80 miles away' stimulus packages. Its actually okay, though. Foreclosure has been put off for a while and I think I have a place to move to that will work out much better for the whole family. Its within 1/4 mile of here, so we don't have to leave the area. More on that as things develop. At this point I'm trying for a controlled withdrawal, going to try to sell the place and save what little is left of my financial butt. If it doesn't happen, oh well, I'm among many others who have tried and failed. I have learned a couple of valuable lessons from this whole thing, though. The first is that large financial institutions suck. I always suspected that, but now I know for sure. The second thing is that the government certainly doesn't care. Stimulus packages are fluff and dust, promises are lies and all they really want is to collect tax money and take away liberty and freedom. At the end of the day even if it costs me a house, I was here when my kids needed me. Material possessions are nothing compared to that. I'd gladly walk away from the Playboy mansion and all it contains if it means that life is a little easier for my kids. I do have to say, its been an interesting year. For most of their lives I've been working. Most of the time I've been working a LOT. IT jobs seems to develop a life of their own sometimes. I've spent a lot of hours doing server upgrades and trouble shooting applications while Glenda was home raising the kids. My eyes have been opened. To all parents who stay at home and raise your kids- you have my eternal respect and admiration! The other thing that has happened over the last year is that I've really gotten to know my kids. I THOUGHT I did before, but I was sorely mistaken. Although the circumstances around it sucked, I've been glad I have this opportunity. Now I can say I'm proud of them and actually KNOW what I'm proud of. They are impressive little devils and I expect great things from them. We've weathered what has been the hardest year of my life and unquestionably the hardest of theirs and they have never failed to impress me. (Well, their rooms could use some help, but other than that-) Anyway, I think I've rambled enough for the night. The heat pack I have on my neck and upper back at the moment seems to be working. (I woke up this morning with a crazy pain in my neck. Ah, you have to love it when your body seeks vengeance for past digressions) and I might actually be able to sleep for a while. Have a good night, everyone, and an amazing day tomorrow!
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Political BS really sucks. I have been opening my eyes to what they feed the sheep in the last 10 years and it is sad and disgusting. In a way, I am glad you don't qualify for a stimulus package. Don't get me wrong, I really don't want you to lose the house. But it proves how horribly run the country is when someone who has a need like yours can't fit into 'a great plan'. A great plan would be one where people who are contributing members, contribute fairly; people who need the help get it; people who don't contribute get sent off on an ice boat; and no one person/group is hurt by 'a great plan' in the long run. Of course that would be some sort of mythical utopia that can only happen in books and movies at this point.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part about your post is, of course, the kids. I have had a job where I got sucked into it; I would go to work, go home tired and exhausted, scold and terrorize the kids, then pass out until I have to show up at work again. I am pretty sure that is not the reason I had kids in the first place. You are luckier than most in that respect.
I wonder how many people who knew you before you moved to Alaska, would really recognize you for the person you are becoming?