Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So, now I'm interested. Donald Trump decided to post this challenge to Obama this morning.

I'm curious to know what my readers think of it. To me, it seems to make perfect, logical sense. I don't find it in any way offensive, no different than someone who has no worries about being the father of a baby would about taking a DNA test. If there is nothing there, then why not come out and show people? It would seem to me that it would be a WONDERFUL stunt, especially this late in the election game. Let's see what you've got, Mr. President. Go ahead and climb that ladder to the moral high ground.. Make everyone below you ashamed that they ever challenged your greatness. You have a chance to stop, once and for all, everyone who has challenged your right to have been elected in the first place. In addition you could be directly responsible for Trump having to contribute 5 MILLION dollars to your favorite organization. Imagine how much that would make the right wing conservatives squirm, if you decided to have him donate the money to an LGTB cause.. If anyone read my blog yesterday I think its pretty obvious what I personally think of you, but hell, I've been proven wrong before. Of course, even if you come forward and meet the challenge I won't gain a LOT of respect, simply because of your 4 year track record, but at least it would prove to everyone without a shadow of a doubt that you have had the right to screw up the country for the last 4 years. But, alas- *sigh* I suspect you won't rise to the challenge. If you acknowledge it at all you will be utterly offended by it, shocked at the audacity of someone to challenge that what you claim is true. You will claim that it is no one's business but your own and you will refuse to compromise your morals because it is below you to do so. You will shake your head and smirk sarcastically and very little will come of it. Your supporters will be behind you, of course, calling Trump names and shifting the spotlight over to everything HE has done wrong over the years because that is the way of small men and cockroaches when a focused light is put on their flaws and accusations. They shrink away and run from the light of truth, trying to hide in the shadows that are cast by others who bask in the same light. Again, I am not a Republican, nor am I particularly conservative in my views, nor do I particularly care for Romney, but I DID notice that when a similar challenge was posted to him he at least produced what was asked for, and there was no monetary gain involved in the question. So, on this particular issue I have to stand grudgingly at Trump's side and ask. If there is nothing to hide in your records then please, step off the moral high horse for a moment, swallow your pride and show the American people that you have every right to be in your position. Prove how wrong we are to be suspicious of a man who has steadfastly refused to produce evidence of his qualifications as opposed to us just taking your word for things. Because honestly, as I pointed out yesterday, to me your word isn't really worth a whole lot.

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