Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Well, the house hunt continues. The pure joy and rapture of trying to find a place to live when you can't afford to live in one while you wait for the strange car to show up in your driveway any day telling you that you have to get out of your house. Ah well, such is life I suppose. The strange thing is I have a very positive feeling about all of it. I'm looking forward to moving on with life, re-inventing who I am and who we are as a family. I've decided I'm going to be a writer when I grow up. I figure its a noble goal and will completely justify some of my eccentricities if I'm successful at it because, after all, everyone expects a writer to be a bit off his nut, right? Eddie, the goat, found a new home and word is he's doing well. We were sorry to see him go, but he can get much better care where he went than what we could give him at the moment and besides, I didn't think he would likely ride well in the back seat of my X-terra. Right now I'm hoping to find a place where I can keep my dogs. I know to some people they are just dumb animals, but to us they are members of the family that were here with us throughout the really bad times last year. When Aoibheann was crying for her mother sometimes at night and only having a dad around wasn't enough one of the dogs would inevitably curl up next to her and lick her nose until things were better again. I can't bring myself to just abandon the creatures that offered so much comfort to the kids when they needed it the most. So, gentle readers, I grin widely and wave to you from the edge of the abyss of life while I circle slowly and look for a place to land for a time. Remember, good or bad, life is an adventure. You can either get out there and live it, or you can sit and read drivel like this! Well.. what are you waiting for? Go live!  Really- I'm done talking now, I have things to do. go have an adventure.. Shoo now.. we'll talk later!

1 comment:

  1. Somehow the vision of the goat in the X-terra makes me giggle... It may be worth a try later on, just for comedic value.
