Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ah,, Procrastination, thou art a cruel mistress, yet I cannot seem to resist you~ Why is it that every time I have a chance to write I'm not in the mood to so I find any excuse in the world not to and when I am insanely busy I come up with the most amazing idea that I can't wait to put down? I think that's the magical difference between a writer and someone that wants to be, being able to sit down and put words down no matter whether you feel like doing to or not. Maybe someday I'll master that. In the meantime I seem to have an endless fascination with conversing on line. Even though it takes time away from my writing, I find the chance to converse with someone an endlessly fascinating pastime and I don't think I'll ever get to the point that I won't put aside my work to have a chance to say hello to someone! I have progressed, though- I have reached the point where I can (After chatting for a while) say that I'm in the process of writing and I really need to get back to it. most people are amazingly understanding of this fact. Speaking of which, if you'll all excuse me, I have an idea bouncing around in my head that REALLY needs to be written down! Have a great weekend everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know the main cause of ideas bouncing around in your head is caused by too many Monsters and an affinity with rubber rooms?
