Thursday, June 28, 2012

Its a dark day for the country today. Obamacare has been upheld as 'constitutional'. Apparently it is a constitutional thing for the government to fine an individual who 'chooses' not to have health care. Interesting the way that's worded. Chooses not to have health care- I wonder- Is that like choosing to be gay? or choosing to have cancer? From my perspective (And no, I don't have health care for myself, by the way, I'm unemployed at the moment and I simply can't afford personal health care. My kids are covered by the state, but I don't qualify due to a 'glitch' Since my stepson Nick lives with me and his father doesn't pay child support I don't qualify for any assistance from the state.) most anyone who can afford health care will get health care. We're not talking a minor expense, people. I've looked into the costs of 'personal' health insurance. your most basic, crap coverage will run you around 250$ a month. For me at this time that is NOT an insignificant expense. (that is with around a 5000$ deductible, by the way) I simply can't afford it, so I won't be getting it. So now its constitutional to fine me because I can't afford to spend the money on something the government says I should have. Sounds a lot like legalized theft to me. Read your history books, anyone ever heard of 'debtor's prison'? The other thing that simply boggles my mind is all the democrats that are saying how great this is. Democrats who, traditionally are supposed to be for the 'little' guy. Do they not realize how many small businesses this new 'constitutional' directive is going to drive into bankruptcy? Small businesses are in the same boat I am. a little mom and pop shop which is barely struggling by will be forced to close simply because they can't afford to buy group insurance for Maggie Sue who helps out once or twice a week in the shop. Wake the hell up, people! The only ones this new directive is going to help are the insurance companies. The other gem that happened yesterday, which most people haven't taken notice of is the fact that Obama declared a national emergency because of Russia's decision on how they process weapons grade plutonium or some such. Now, I agree that we have to keep an eye on where the world's plutonium is going, kind of an important thing to know, but why a national emergency about it? Well, here's what a lot of people don't realize. In the case of a national emergency being declared all voting for officials is suspended until the emergency is declared over. Oh, another little gem? Under national emergency martial law can be declared with no notice by the President of the United States. Heads up, people. The masks are coming off and no one is even bothering to hide the fact that our 'free' country isn't being such a great place to live anymore. Hail Amerikastan.


  1. Is it easy to move to Canada? I am a little more partial to Russia or Norway actually...

    1. The problem with all of those is they're socialist countries. You have even less freedom there, its just been that way longer.
