Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All right, I cheated. I know I said I wasn't posting anything until tomorrow but since it's after midnight I guess it counts. I was sitting in my dining room a little bit ago when I heard the wind chimes I have hinging off my porch start ringing. Now, this is a normal occurrence if it's windy out, however, it rarely ever happens when it's calm unless we're having an earthquake. Since I didn't feel any unusual rumbling I took a look out my window to see what was going on. A bull moose had spotted a tree that is bent over from the weight of the snow and leaning against my porch roof. Since he saw a clear path he just wandered up, leaned against the porch railing and started munching. I stood and watched him for a while, even took a couple of pics that I posted on Face Book. Finally, since the dogs needed to go out I walked outside and shooed him away. It's amazing what a dirty look you can get from a 1000 lb animal when you're chasing him away from dinner! Ah, the fascinating things you see out of your door when you live in the woods!

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